The BC548 transistor is used in electrical circuits for amplifying and switching. It has three pins, same like any other NPN transistor: collector, base, and emitter. BC547 have 100mA Collector Current rating whereas BC548 has 100mA. The DC Current Gain of BC548 and BC548 ranges from 110 To 800 hFE.
- Its Bipolar NPN Transistor
- Its current gain is 110-800 hFE
- Its Collector-Emitter Voltage(Vce) 30V
- Its package is TO-92
- Its mounting style is through hole
Part Number | BC548 |
Type | Bi-Polar NPN Transistor |
DC Current Gain (hFE) | 110-800 |
Continuous Collector current (IC) | 100 mA |
Emitter Base Voltage (Vbe) | 6V |
Collector-Emitter Voltage(Vce) | 30V |
Collector-Base Voltage(Vcb) | 30V |
Type | BiPolar NPN Transistor |
Package | TO-92 |
Country of Origin | China |