The CTBC327-25LS is a PNP type bipolar junction transistor (BJT) used in amplifier and switching applications. PNP transistors are frequently used as voltage amplifiers in electronic circuits. They can amplify weak signals and provide higher currents to drive loads like speakers, LEDs, or other electronic components. PNP transistors are employed as electronic switches to control the flow of current in a circuit. By applying a small current to the base terminal, the transistor can be turned on, allowing a larger current to flow between the collector and emitter terminals. This property makes them suitable for various switching applications, such as motor control, relay driving, and LED switching.
- It has three Terminal
- Its Mounting style is Through Hole
- Its used for the Switching application
- Its used in Amplification of The circuits etc.
Specifications | |
Part Number | CTBC327-25LS |
Operating Temperature Range | – 55 to +150 Degree Centigrade |
Mounting Style | Through hole |
Power Dissipation | 625mW |
Type | Transistor |