IRFP22N60K is a type of MOSFET which is basically used for fast switching operation. It has fast recovery time that is its used for fast switching. There are the huge applications of this MOSFET SMPS (Switch mode power supply), UPS (Uninterrupted power supply), Motor driver and high speed power switching. Its operating voltage is 600V, Its operating current is 22A.
Low Gate Charge Qg results in Simple Drive Requirement
Fully Characterized Capacitance and Avalanche Voltage andCurrent
- Enhanced Body Diode dv/dt Capability
- Improved Gate, Avalanche and Dynamic dv/dt Ruggedness
- Its package is TO-247AC
Model | IRFP22N60K |
Brand | International Rectifier |
Mounting Type | Through Hole |
Package | TO-247AC |
No. of Pin | 03 |
Drain-Source Voltage |
600V |
Drain-Current Continous | 22A |
Operating Temperature | -50 to + 150°C |
Type of Control Channel | N -Channel |
Power Dissipation |TC= 25°C| | 370W |
Country of Origin | China |