SW20N65C is a power MOSFET it has designed by using the advanced power MOSFET designing technology. Its basically designed has to used in power supply switching circuits, As its name is showing that this MOSFET will manage the power or control the power. Power MOSFET is a type of metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor used to switch large amounts of current. Power MOSFETs are the most commonly used power devices due to their low gate drive power, fast switching speed and superior paralleling capability.
- High ruggedness
- Improved dv/dT
- 100% avalanche energy rated
- It has fast recovery time
- It has fast switching speed
Part No | SW20N65C |
Type | Power MOSFET |
Package | TO-3P |
Reverse voltage | 650V |
Forward current | 20A |
RDS | 0.19Ohm |
Operating Junction and storage temperature | -55 to 150 Degree centigrade |
Pulsed source current | 80A |
Country of Origin | China |