20N60S5 is a power transistor. As we know that power transistors are used for power switching. A three-terminal device known as a power transistor is made of semiconductor materials. It has collector, base, and emitter terminals. This component is specially made to handle high current-voltage ratings. Regular transistors are usually used for amplifying and switching purposes. At the same time, power transistors are used in circuits like battery charging and power supply. Physically powered transistors are more significant than ordinary transistors.
Improved transconductance
It provides ultra-low effective capacitance
Ultra low gate charge
Its maximum operating voltage is 600V
- Periodic avalanche rated
Model | 20N60S5 |
Type | Power transistor |
Package | P-TO247 |
Maximum operating voltage | 600V |
Maximum temperature for soldering | 300°C |
Drain current | 20A |
Total power dissipation | 208W |
Operating and Storage Temperature Range | -55°C TO 150°C |
Country of Origin | China |