K120T60 is an Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor. It is a Three-terminal semiconductor switching device that can be used for fast switching with high efficiency in many types of electronic devices. These devices are mostly used in amplifiers for switching/processing complex wave patterns with pulse width modulation (PWM). An IGBT is a fusion between a BJT and MOSFET. The symbol of the IGBT also represents the same, as you can see the input side represents a MOSFET with a Gate terminal and the output side represents a BJT with Collector and Emitter. The Collector and the Emitter are the conduction terminals and the gate is the control terminal with which the switching operation is controlled.
- Very low VCE(sat )1.5V(typ.)
- Maximum junction temperature 175°C
- Short circuit withstand time 5µs
- Very tight parameter distribution
- High ruggedness, temperature stable behavior
- High switching speed
- Positive temperature coefficient in VCE(sat)
- Low EMI
- Low gate charge QG
- Increased current capability
- Very soft, fast recovery Anti-Parallel Emitter Controlled HE diode
- General Purpose Inverters
- Uninterruptible Power Supplies
- Motor drivers
- Medium To Low Switching Frequency Power Converters
Model | K120T60 |
Type | IGBT Transistor |
Package Type | TO247 |
Collector-emitter voltage | 600 V |
Dc collector current | 160 A @ 25°C |
Diode forward current | 160 A |
Gate-emitter voltage | ±20 V |
Power Dissipation Tc=25°C | 833.0 W |
Gate-emitter leakage current | 100 nA |
DC collector current | 120.0A |
Quantity | 100 |
Country of Origin | China |