T90 is a type of relay as we are already aware from relay, its a type of electronic switch where we have no need of manual switching its a switching device its mostly used in electronic circuit for switching purpose. Its coil voltage is 6V.Its operating current is 30A, It has three output terminal NC,NO,COMMON, It has different current rating for NO(20A) and for NC(30A). Its 1 Channel relay. its color is black.
- Its a coil relay
- The voltage of coil is 6V
- Its operating voltage is 5V
- Its used to protect the electronic circuit.
Model | JQX-15F(T90)-Z |
Type | Coil Relay |
NC contact rating | 30A, 240VAC |
NO contact rating | 20A, 240VAC |
Operating Voltage | 5V |
Length | 31.3mm |
Width | 27.0mm |
Height | 19.5mm |
Country of Origin | China |