H669A is an NPN silicon transistor having three terminal Silicon has historically been used to make transistors because it is a semiconductor, which is a material that is more conductive than an insulator like rubber but less conductive than a metal like steel, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. Its maximum collector power dissipation is 20W,Its package is TO126ML. Transistors are mostly used in switching applications like power supply switching motor controls SMPS UPS Etc.
Max Collector Current(IC): 1.5A
Max Collector-Emitter Voltage (VCE): 160V
Max Emitter-Base Voltage (VEBO): 5V
It has small size 
- Its made by silicon
Model | H669A |
Type | NPN Transistor |
Package | TO126ML |
Collector capacitance | 14pF |
Transition frequency | 140MHz |
Collector current | 1.5A |
Forward current transfer ratio | 60Min |
Operating and Storage Temperature Range | -55 Degree C TO 150 Degree C |
Country of Origin | China |