10D471K 775V 10mm ZOV Varistor
300V Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) 14D471K
ZOV 07D511K Metal Oxide Varistor
300V AC Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) 07D471K
10D431K MOV 275V 10mm Metal Oxide Varistor
10D471K 775V 10mm ZOV Varistor
The Zinc Oxide Varistor (ZOV) is a nonlinear semiconductor voltage-dependent resistor that is used in electrical circuits to limit the voltage. Electronic circuits and equipment without (MOV, ZOV, VDR) can be damaged or completely destroyed by...
300V Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) 14D471K
The Zinc Oxide Varistor (ZOV) is a nonlinear semiconductor voltage-dependent resistor that is used in electrical circuits to limit the voltage. Electronic circuits and equipment without (MOV, ZOV, VDR) can be damaged or completely destroyed by...
ZOV 07D511K Metal Oxide Varistor
The Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) is a component that is used in electrical circuits to limit the voltage. They're mostly found in voltage-sensitive electrical gadgets' protection circuits. A varistor effectively bypasses all transient surge voltages....
300V AC Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV) 07D471K
The Zinc Oxide Varistor (ZOV) is a nonlinear semiconductor voltage-dependent resistor that is used in electrical circuits to limit the voltage. Electronic circuits and equipment without (MOV, ZOV, VDR) can be damaged or completely destroyed by...
10D431K MOV 275V 10mm Metal Oxide Varistor
The Zinc Oxide Varistor (ZOV) is a nonlinear semiconductor voltage-dependent resistor that is used in electrical circuits to limit the voltage. Electronic circuits and equipment without (MOV, ZOV, VDR) can be damaged or completely destroyed by...