Motor Driver
A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Module
4.5V-35V 5A DC Motor Speed Controller
Joystick 4-Way Module with Motor Driver Hub & LAN Cable
Joystick 2-Way Module with Motor Driver Hub & LAN Cable
DC10V -60V 20A 1200W DC PWM Motor Speed Controller
L293ESP NodeMCU Motor Driver Shield
L298N Motor Driver Module (Made in India)
L9110S Dual DC Stepper Motor Driver Module
L293D Motor Driver Module with Voltage Protection
DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver with Aluminum Heat Sink
L293d Motor Driving Module
L298 Motor Driver Controller Module
TB6600 Micro-Step Stepper Motor Driver
5 line 4 phase ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver
A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Module
A4988 is a micro-stepping bipolar stepper driver module. The motor driver module has features like adjustable current limiting, overcurrent protection, overtemperature protection, and five different micro-steps resolutions. It delivers approximately 1 Amp with supply from...
4.5V-35V 5A DC Motor Speed Controller
4.5V-35V 5A DC Motor Speed Controller is a Mini Size DC Motor Speed Regulator that controls the speed of a DC motor via PWM signal. A potentiometer is given in this module to adjust the...
Joystick 4-Way Module with Motor Driver Hub & LAN Cable
This is a 4-way Remote Control Joystick and Motor Driver Hub with LAN Cable. The LAN Connector cable provides a Digital output Which Makes This Device Easy To Interface With Board & Directly To Motors...
Joystick 2-Way Module with Motor Driver Hub & LAN Cable
This is a 2-way Remote Control Joystick and Motor Driver Hub with LAN Cable. The LAN Connector cable provides a Digital output Which Makes This Device Easy To Interface With Board & Directly To Motors...
DC10V -60V 20A 1200W DC PWM Motor Speed Controller
1200W DC PWM Motor Speed Controller allows you to regulate the speed of a DC motor with a Pulse-Width-Modulated (PWM) DC voltage and a Duty Cycle that may be adjusted from 10% to 100%. Your...
L293ESP NodeMCU Motor Driver Shield
This L293ESP Node MCU Motor Driver Shield is suitable for controlling a motor from a distance using a wireless connection. It is designed with a socket for connecting WiFi ESP8266 plates. The ESP12E Dev Kit...
L298N Motor Driver Module (Made in India)
This is an L298N Motor Driver Controller Module Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver. The L298N Motor Driver Module is a dual full-bridge driver with high voltage and current. It accepts TTL logic-level inductive loads such as solenoids, relays,...
L9110S Dual DC Stepper Motor Driver Module
The L9110 module is a two-way or dual-channel H-bridge motor controller or driver module with a small footprint. The module has two L9110 ICs, each of which can operate one stepper motor or two DC...
L293D Motor Driver Module with Voltage Protection
This is an L293D Motor Driver Module with Voltage Protection. It can provide bidirectional drive currents of up to 600 mA at voltages from 4.5 V to 36 V. It is Specially designed for various...
DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver with Aluminum Heat Sink
This breakout board for Texas Instruments' DRV8825 micro stepping bipolar stepper motor driver includes adjustable current limiting, over-current and over-temperature protection, and six micro step resolutions (down to 1/32-step). It can deliver up to 1.5...
L293d Motor Driving Module
This is an L293d Motor Driving Module. It is an l293d module that can drive a 4 DC Motor in one direction, or drive a 2 DC Motor in both directions. The terminal blocks for connecting motors and...
L298 Motor Driver Controller Module
This is an L298N Motor Driver Controller Module Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver. The L298N Motor Driver Module is a dual full-bridge driver with high voltage and current. It accepts TTL logic-level inductive loads such as solenoids, relays,...
TB6600 Micro-Step Stepper Motor Driver
The TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver is a user-friendly professional stepper motor driver that can control a two-phase stepping motor. It works with any microcontroller that can generate a 5V digital pulse signal. TB6600 stepper motor...
5 line 4 phase ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver
This is the ULN2003 Driver Module Stepper Motor Driver Board for driving and controlling stepper motors. ULN2003 Stepper Motor Driver Board uses the ULN2003 DARLINGTON ARRAYS to drive the 4-phase 5-wire stepper motor (5v-12v).It’s easy...